MATH 223 Multivariable
Guide To Assignments for Fall 2023
Each assignment is due in class on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Homework will generally focus on material introduced in the previous class meeting. Begin the new assignment as soon after class as practical so that you will have two days to complete it. Review your class notes and read the assigned sections first, and then work the problems. We encourage you to study together and wrestle with hard problems, but submitted solutions should be your own work. Come to class with well-prepared and specific questions on the assignment.
Experience shows that doing the
assignments regularly and carefully is the key to doing well in calculus. You should expect to spend at least two hours
on homework for every hour in class, and an average of 8 to 10 hours total each
week including your review and careful reading.
of the readings and exercises will come from our text, of Multivariable Calculus: A Linear Algebra Based Approach ( )
The reading is an important
supplement to what goes on in class. It
will cover some examples and methods you need and for which you will be held
responsible but which we will not have time to
cover in class. Read carefully
with a pencil and pad next to you. Work
out details of calculations you don’t understand.